Thursday, April 10, 2008

Lucky Clovers

Clovers have been considered a lucky symbol since long ago in Celtic cultures, particularly the four-leaf clover being seen as powerful. Today, both three-leaf clovers (Shamrocks) in Ireland and four-leaf clovers in the United States and Europe are seen as good luck charms. It is unknown the exact time the belief in its luck started but it is said that it was “a favorite forage” or search of domesticated animals like cattle, sheep and horses. Since clovers fed these animals well and made their owners wealthy, the plant was thought to do good and bring good luck for people. The four-leaf clover was important and significance for its scarcity and rarity and it was powerful since it was used in spells. It was believed to represent the four seasons of the year and/or the four elements of alchemy (Water, Earth, Air and Fire). The three-leaf clover was special in the beliefs of Catholics due to its believed representation of the trinity of God, the song and the Holy Spirit. The rare fourth leaf was added for God’s grace. Even in present times, the four-leaf clover is assumed to grant powers in detecting witches, recognizing evil spirits and seeing fairies and mystical creatures. With the rare findings of a four-leaf clover in a patch, it is said to give the discoverer enhanced luck-bearing properties which may be of good assistance and good luck in life.

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